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Colexico Experience

All aboard for The Colexico Experience: Spaghetti & Westerns Festival, the Southwest’s newest film and culinary event. This two-day, two-state western movie and pasta festival will take place in Trinidad, CO and Raton, NM. A passenger train ties these historic western towns together Friday and Saturday, Oct. 15-16, 2021.

You are invited to participate in one of three experiences;

  1. The Trinidad Experience, in which all festival activities take place in Trinidad, Colorado.

  2. The Raton Experience, in which all festival activities take place in Raton, New Mexico

  3. The Colexico Experience, in which festival goers will utilize Amtrak’s Southwest Chief Train to spend their nights in Trinidad and the day in Raton, experiencing the sights, sounds and tastes found on both sides of the border.

The event kicks off at 6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 15 with a “Sauce Off & Pasta Party” at the A.R. Mitchell Museum of Western Art in Trinidad and Gate City Craft Bar in Raton, where guests will be met with a mountain of spaghetti and pots of sauce provided by local eateries, who will go head-to-head to see who can dish the best sauce in the Raton Basin Region.

Patrons will be serenaded by local western musicians while they slurp noodles and drink refreshing libations, gander at tantalizing art and enjoy good company.

Dinner will be followed at 8 p.m. by the Enigmatic Western Grind-House, a film and comedy event where our audience will be joined by comedians Nicole Conlan, Jordan Doll, and Jay Gillespie at Main Street Live in Trinidad and Nathan Lund, Allison Rose and Ben Roy at the Historic El Raton Theatre in Raton for the screening of the 1968 William Shatner helmed Spaghetti Western, “White Comanche” and be asked to tear it apart for the comic enjoyment of our movie goers. By 10 p.m. we’ll honk and tonk the night away with live music from Snakes at the Trinidad Lounge in Trinidad and Shawn Hess and the Country Skillet at the Gate City Craft Bar in Raton.

The following morning, Saturday Oct. 16, those on board for The Colexico Experience, will meet at the Trinidad Amtrak Platform at 9 a.m. to embark on their journey to the Land of Enchantment. Departing at 9:24 a.m., this hour long train ride will offer scenic views, food and drink options, and a wonderful chance to meet and mingle with other weekend Colexicans.

Once the train arrives in Raton, the projectors will fire up on both sides of the border, where festival goers will be offered the options of watching a back-to-back line-up of classic cinema westerns “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” (1962) and “One-Eyed Jacks” (1961) on one screen or contemporary Neo-Westerns “No Country for Old Men” (2007) and “Hostiles” (2017) on another screen at the historic Shuler and El Raton theaters in Raton and Tri Peak Theaters in Trinidad. These double features will be broken up with an hour long lunch break between them that offers an opportunity for festival-goers to explore and grab food in whichever town their experience has placed them.

After all movies have shown, Colexicans will be asked to meet at the Raton Train Platform to return to Trinidad. The train departs at 4:42 pm. That evening, festival goers are encouraged to dine at local restaurants, further exploring the menu of the eatery that concocted their favorite spaghetti sauce from the night before.

This dinner break will be followed at 8 p.m. by another Enigmatic Western Grind-house where comedians from the previous night will be swapped for the screening of the 1972 Bud

Spencer and Jack Palance starring Spaghetti Western, “It Can Be Done Amigo”.

To close the night out, we’ll Honk and Tonk the night away starting at 10 p.m. with live music from Shawn Hess and the Country Skillet at the Trinidad Lounge in Trinidad and Snakes at the Gate City Craft Bar in Raton.

Like many great westerns, our festival will end with a sunset. On the morning of Sunday

Oct. 17, festival goers of all experiences are invited to the Once Upon a Sunset Brunch at Sunset Bar and Grille in Trinidad for brunch foods and the screening of a Super Secret

Spaghetti Western Masterpiece.

Colexico Experience Passes are going fast and all train seats must be reserved by

Oct. 1, 2021. Get your tickets while they last at

Note: Featured films, performers and venues may be subject to change.


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